What is OpenTrons?

We’ll let them tell you themselves.

The Central Dogma of OpenTrons

There are three steps for running your experiment on an OpenTrons. The flow of information is:

<aside> 🧬 Paper Protocol → OpenTrons Protocol → Compiled Protocol


Let’s work through each of these in order:

<aside> 👨🏻‍💻 Note: All the files linked to here are in this GitHub repo which you can fork and use yourself:


Paper Protocol

These protocols are basically what you have been using in lab. They are instructions written in plain language. Let’s describe an example protocol we’ll follow all the way through today:


  1. Set up a 12-well 22 mL reservoir with four colors of liquid (Green, Blue, Red, and Yellow)
  2. Pipette 100 uL of Green into well A1
  3. Pipette 100 uL of Blue in well A2

This is a good first step to describing our experiment as it gives us an opportunity to think through our logic. Now, we must translate the steps into a form that works with the OpenTrons robot.

OpenTrons Protocol

There are two ways to set up a protocol for OpenTrons.

Protocol Designer

Opentrons Protocol Designer | Build New Protocols, Code-Free